How to Not Open New Pot Player and Continue With the First

1 27-11-2011 06:36:09 (edited by linzki 27-11-2011 06:36:53)

Topic: SVP manager + potplayer error message

Hi guys

First i want to thank you for this awesome prog smile

I'm quite n00b so bear with me.

Two days a go i found both SVP manager ad potplayer first time. After that i've been playing around with them a lot.

All started well and worked pretty well until today i get this weird message when i start potplayer and SVP manager kiks in: "unexpected character (plus cross sign, see the picture)" on the upper left corner and some gibberish in chinese on the bottom.

If i turn off SVP's "display OSD messages" i get rid of that chinese part but that other one still stays.

I've triewd everything possible. First i tried to restore default settings everywhere, then i uninstalled all codecs and players and reinstalled them. I installed only SVP manager full with default settings, LAV filters and potplayer (english version, of course). Still that message appears everytime i open video with potplayer using SVP. Both work just fine exept that message.

I found that ffdshow > avisynth > there is chinese gibberis and the first character there is that cross sign.

I quess it is potplayer that messes with ffdshow somehow. Can you help me, pls?

Post's attachments

errormessage.JPG, 59.36 kb, 833 x 601
errormessage.JPG 59.36 kb, 569 downloads since 2011-11-27

2 27-11-2011 07:04:33

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message


This error tells that avisynth-script sended from SVP manager and received by ffdShow is wrong.
What version of ffdShow are you using?

Try to update ffdShow to version from SVP download page.

P.S. And what version of SVP (menu - Help - About the program...)? wink

3 27-11-2011 14:50:02 (edited by linzki 27-11-2011 14:55:15)

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

ffdshow_rev4052_20111120_clsid and SVP 3.0.5. Both are latest releases as far as i know.

I found how i get rid of that errormessage: ffdshow > avisynth > there i unchecked YV12 so nothing in input colorspaces was checked.

Still at least everytime i open new video, i have to do that same thing to get rid of that message.

4 27-11-2011 14:59:55

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

ffdshow_rev4052_20111120_clsid we did not checked yet. May be it wants another way to remote control them. smile

Did you try our tested ffdShow version from SVP download page?

ffdShow rev.3996 x86

5 27-11-2011 15:41:47 (edited by linzki 27-11-2011 15:56:19)

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

I tried with your tested version of ffdshow, same thing happens. If i do almost anything when video is playing that message comes back and i have to go and uncheck YV12 again.

Then there is something really weird that i've noticed now. I can put all settings on max in SVP and still cpu stays under 30% and GPU max is about 5 %. In potplayer i have all settings max'd too.

my specs are: intel core 2 duo q6600, GF 460 gtx, 4 gb ram

If i want to watch another video i have to first close potplayer and SVP then start again SVP and then open video in potplayer. If i try to open without restart SVP won't turn green.

6 27-11-2011 15:54:53 (edited by Rimsky 27-11-2011 15:55:23)

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

linzki wrote:

I can put all settings on max in SVP

it's a nuts!
max setting dont give you max quality result
did you restart computer after install svp?
and what languge in ffdshow settings?

Post's attachments

Буфер обмена01.png, 42.47 kb, 559 x 472
Буфер обмена01.png 42.47 kb, 451 downloads since 2011-11-27

7 27-11-2011 16:01:06 (edited by linzki 27-11-2011 16:02:14)

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

I have english in ffdshow. Yes i rebooted pc after installing SVP.

Btw, can you give me  maximal quality settings for SVP.

8 27-11-2011 16:42:14

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

linzki wrote:

Btw, can you give me  maximal quality settings for SVP.

i7-920 profile
SVP install directory has rpofile.rar - all profiles
in it uncompress files from i920 to %appdata%\svp\extini with overwriting and restart SVP

9 27-11-2011 17:25:18 (edited by linzki 28-11-2011 00:05:53)

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

Works perfectly without any hickups with profiles from 3_corei7 folder.

Btw, i use acer H5360 projector as monitor it's native resolution is 1280x720.

I use LAV filters and ffdshow with potplayer.

Dont know how this is possible, but i'm happy with it big_smile


That error message still remains...i used make > avs-script for video and when i load video without starting SVP and use that avs-script i get no error message.

Post's attachments

HiQ.JPG 201.41 kb, 201 downloads since 2011-11-27

10 28-11-2011 03:44:50

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

uncheck YV12
It is strange solution. I think avisynth can't work without any colorspace checked. You has resolved problem but got turned off script (turned off smooth motion).

I can put all settings on max in SVP and still cpu stays under 30%
It is because SVP is not working. SVP does nothing without YV12 colorspace.

core 2 duo q6600
something wrong: it must be core 2 duo e6600 or core 2 quad q6600.

Can you look at ffdShow version when it is loaded in PotPlayer? Something wrong with version number. May be several versions are installed and wrong version is used.

make > avs-script for video and when i load video without starting SVP
It is nice. Did the video become smoother?
And what about CPU Usage?

11 29-11-2011 05:21:41

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

Problem solved, thanks a lot smile

You were right smooth video wasn't working.

Restored (windows 7 32-bit) to an earlier point and installed it all again. Now it works as it should.

My cpu is core 2  quad q6600.

About profiles:

In profile.rar there was 3 folders. Witch one is better for me 1 or 2. I've overclocked my prosessor and it works now on 2,8ghz instead original 2,4ghz.

whats the difference between those profiles for different cpu's? Is it just different settings choosed in algorithms profiles settings window, or is there more happening behind the scenes?

12 30-11-2011 01:59:38

Re: SVP manager + potplayer error message

In profile.rar there was 3 folders. Witch one is better
1_core_22 = core2duo 2,2 ГГц
2_quad9550 = core2quad 2,5 ГГц
3_corei7 = core i7 2,67 ГГц

You can simply choose one of them when install (or reinstall) SVP.

I recommend to use quad or corei7 profile. And see at you performance when playing. If it is not enough then choose profile lighter.

difference between those profiles for different cpu's?

Is it just different settings choosed in algorithms profiles settings window
Yes. Difference only in settings in Profile settings window.

Post's attachments

Profile_select.png, 16.47 kb, 503 x 387
Profile_select.png 16.47 kb, 516 downloads since 2011-11-29


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